Wednesday 15 October 2008

Dominique Sanda

Over the years I've started a number of fan sites on actresses I liked. one actresses I never got around to is Dominique Sanda.

I only "discovered" her by chance. One night I noticed The Mackintosh Man was being shown on TV. I knew this was a movie based on a novel by Desmond Bagley called The Freedom Trap. I decided to watch it and quite enjoyed it. The late Paul Newman was in it and it was directed by John Huston.

A French actress called Dominique Sanda was in it too. I'd never heard of her but she immediately caught my attention and ever since I've kept an eye out for any of her other movies. As it turns out she didn't make many English language movies so very few of them are available on DVD in the UK.

One of the few I have managed to see is Damnation Alley, a post-acopolyptic SF movie made in the 1970s. It appears to haven loosely based on a novel by Roger Zelazny.

Hopefully I'll be able to track down some more of Dominique's movies...