Wednesday 26 November 2008

Torri Higginson in The Eleventh Hour

Not too long ago there was a British fiction show about science called The Eleventh Hour. ITV were at pains not to call it "science fiction" mind you. Patrick Stewart and Maggie from Extras were in it but the show was lacking something and I just didn't get into it.

So imagine my surprise when I discover that there is a US remake. Not only that but Rufus Sewell is in it. I'm a big big fan of his movie Dark City and I've always thought that he's very underrated. Not only that but Marley Shelton is in it. You might remember her from 2007's Grindhouse movies Planet Terror and Death Proof. I have to admit I've a lot of time for Marley.

And this all comes to light because I read that Torri Higginson is guest staring in an episode. Torri played Doctor Weir in Stargate Atlantis. Well, until the writers or producers decided to get rid of her. I only started watching Atlantis in the first place because of Torri.

So if this US version of The Eleventh Hour makes it over here I will be keeping an eye on it. Who knows, it might even be better than the UK version!